国际学生学费 & 奖学金

成本 & 奖学金选项

The costs listed below are an estimate of the minimum financial commitment you 和 your family can expect as a full-time student. These estimates do not include travel to or from Denver, 和 they assume a moderate lifestyle with expenses shared with a roommate.​ These figures are based on estimated expenses for a student enrolled in the fall, 冬季和春季宿舍 of the 2022-2023 academic year.


  每季度 每年(3季)
学费(12-18学时) $20,028 $60,084
学费 $450 $1,350
住宿和膳食 $5,919 $17,759
健康保险 $1,256 $3,770
直接成本 $27,653 $82,963
书 & 供应 $333 $1,000
个人支出 $582 $1,746
运输 $457 $1,371
间接费用 $1,372 $4,117
估计总费用 $29,025 $87,080

请注意: Direct costs are billed to the student by the University. Indirect costs are not billed to the student by the University but are estimates of amounts paid to outside companies during the course of the year.

We do not offer any need-based aid to international students but are proud to offer generous 奖学金 to students with strong academic profiles. 然而, very few of these scholarships will cover the full cost of a DU education. We are also “need-aware” 和 consider the ability of a family to afford DU when finalizing admission decisions for students.


  • 额外的季度

    yzcca88游戏登录网址, 典型的学年包括秋季, 冬季和春季宿舍, 或者大约九个月. Our tuition estimates assume that you are only studying during these quarters.

    但是,我们确实在夏季学期提供课程. If you want to stay in the United States 和 take classes during the summer, you will need to factor extra expenses into your calculation. Expenses for the summer should roughly equal those for one quarter of study during the traditional academic year.

  • 家庭开支

    U.S. immigration laws will allow you to bring your spouse 和 children with you to Denver while you study here at DU. 然而, this does mean that you will need to verify that you can pay for the living expenses of your family while they are here. 通常, 这笔额外费用约为4美元,000-$5,每名受养人(配偶及子女), 每学年(9个月).

  • 健康保险

    我们要求所有杜学生都有健康保险. You can choose either to join the University of Denver Student 健康保险 Plan, or you can provide proof that you have health insurance from another source.

    看到 健康和咨询中心网站 for details on what qualifies as adequate health coverage for DU students.

  • 购买笔记本电脑

     It is very important that each DU student has access to their own computer. If you do not already have a laptop, you will need to purchase one to meet the DU laptop requirement.

    一台新笔记本电脑的平均价格在1美元左右,000, so you should factor this in to your expenses for your time here. 看到 information on pricing, recommended specifications 和 purchase options 在资讯科技网站.

奖学金 & 资助你的教育

  • 申请奖学金

    When you submit your application to DU, you will automatically be considered for 奖学金 面向国际学生. 没有额外的申请表需要填写.

    Most of these scholarships are renewable; please note that none of them will cover the full cost of a DU education (with rare exceptions).

    Sending DU your SAT or ACT scores 和 your class rank information with your application can help you to be as competitive as possible for merit assistance.

  • 奖学金的种类

    There are three primary types of 奖学金 available to international students.

    • 以业绩为基础的:10美元,000 to $31,一年级学生每年1万英镑, $5,000 to $21,转校生每年可获得1万英镑
    • 音乐活动奖学金
      To be eligible, you must submit an audition to the Lamont School of Music. 参观 拉蒙特音乐学院网站 欲知详情.
    • 体育活动补助金
      Applicants who plan to participate in NCAA athletics can be considered for these scholarships. 联系 丹佛先锋 体育工作人员了解更多细节.
  • 就业

    International students may work on campus for a maximum of 20 hours per week when classes are in session 和 up to 37.休假期间每周工作5小时. 然而,这些职位是非常有限的.

    After nine months of enrollment, students may apply through 国际学生和学者服务 申请校外工作许可. 这些机会也非常有限. Dependents of students holding an F-1 visa may not work under any circumstances.
