


Partnership with 全球利文斯顿学院 helping to improve quality of life in 乌干达


约,距离yzcca88游戏登录网址校园1000英里, 乌干达ns are receiving 的 training 的y need to enter 的 workforce 和 improve 的ir quality of life. The initiative — known as 的 Hospitality In-Service Training Program — is a partnership featuring DU, 的 全球利文斯顿学院 (GLI)和工作人员able.

由Denverite Jamie Van Leeuwen创立, GLI is a community-based research institute that works to develop strategic partnerships in East Africa 和 的 United States with a focus on education 和 social impact. 工作人员able, GLI旗下的营利性组织, is a social impact start-up company designed to put 乌干达ns to work 和 improve 的ir quality of life.

“This is a pilot intended to scale-up 的 vocational training efforts of an innovative, social impact collective between Colorado 和 乌干达; it’s a work in progress,范·莱文说, 谁还兼任CEO. “The impact that this project is having on 的 area is significant, 和 through this partnership we have placed over 200 乌干达ns into 的 workforce.”

The partnership between GLI 和 DU began in 2009 when 18 students from DU’s Pioneer Leadership Program took an immersion trip to 乌干达, 由 莫里奇家族yzcca88游戏登录网址. 从那时起, more than 50 students 和 600 scholars 和 leaders from around 的 globe have participated in 的 immersion trips that take place each year.

2015年,GLI开始与DU合作 弗里茨·诺贝尔酒店管理学院. 大卫Corsun, 诺贝尔学院的副教授, worked with Scot Rowe (BS ’16) to develop training materials specific to 的 project in 乌干达. These materials were developed 和 adjusted from first-和 second-year course content to train entry-level 乌干达n employees. Corsun said 的 school also is interested in delivering executive education 项目 in 的 future, which would enhance managers’ skills 和 knowledge in key areas.

“The Fritz Knoebel School’s partnership with GLI 和 工作人员able is unique 和 provides 的 students who intern with 的se organizations extraordinary learning opportunities. They are given 的 chance to make contributions that might o的rwise take several years in industry, stretch beyond 的ir comfort zones 和 grow personally, 变得更有文化智慧,科森说. “Their ability to successfully manage a diverse workforce is significantly enhanced.”


Rowe was 的 first DU hospitality intern to travel to 乌干达 和 is currently shaping GLI’s plan on how to measure 的 social impact of 的 collaboration. 在乌干达, he spent six months working as an intern for 工作人员able 和 worked closely with one of its clients, WildPlaces, which operates four upscale lodges throughout 乌干达. GLI is also working on a training program with Pizza Hut, 和 Lauren Riesling, a student in 的 约瑟夫·科贝尔国际研究学院, is currently in 乌干达 working with GLI to measure social impact.

作为他实习的一部分, Rowe evaluated WildPlaces’ lodge operating procedures, conducted training needs assessments with lodge employees, created training modules 和 evaluation tools for various departments, 协助完成人力资源相关工作.

“There are various types of challenges you've never thought about when you start working in a less developed country,罗说. “The most rewarding part of 的 job was being able to pass along knowledge 和 see 的 genuine interest 和 professional growth in 的 trainees.”

GLI目前正在与9家公司合作 学术合作伙伴 除了DU之外. The nonprofit’s goals include training students to be global leaders, engaging in social good 和 training global leaders to "listen 和 think ... 在他们行动之前.“继续前进, 范·莱文说, interns will focus on being mentors 和 coaches to future hospitality employees.

GLI is currently recruiting student leaders 和 interns for summer 2017. If interested, call Ryan Grundy at (713) 306-8570 or email ryan@globallivingston.org.